I tried out this Food Storage Analyzer and loved it! It was so simple to use and I couldn't believe the details that it offered as far as a break down in calories, etc.
It was good to see how much I really have and how long we could live on it. I was actually surprised though. It looks like we have so much, but when you actually calculate it for a family of four it wasn't nearly as much as I thought.
The analyzer calculates long term storage items such as wheat and flour, so once I figured how much short term storage I have, I felt pretty good about where we are. It's a never ending process though, so it is nice to know there is an easy and effective tool out there to use to help us along the way!
I do invitations, announcements, birthday cards, Christmas cards, calendars, scrapbook pages and anything else you can think of. Shown are just a few ideas, I can do any color and style you want. The possibilities are endless!
Cost is $30.00 for 25 5x7 photo cards or $20.00 for 4x6. Price includes design time, cards and envelopes. Additional cards may be purchased if needed. Not in my area, no problem! For $15.00 design can be emailed directly to you to print anywhere you choose. Please email me at kjk_keyes@hotmail.com for questions or to start a project.
The emailed proof will say $12.00, plus $3.00 shipping. I obviously don't charge shipping to email, it's just broken down this way to add up to $15.00 at checkout.