Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I tried out this Food Storage Analyzer and loved it! It was so simple to use and I couldn't believe the details that it offered as far as a break down in calories, etc.
It was good to see how much I really have and how long we could live on it. I was actually surprised though. It looks like we have so much, but when you actually calculate it for a family of four it wasn't nearly as much as I thought.
The analyzer calculates long term storage items such as wheat and flour, so once I figured how much short term storage I have, I felt pretty good about where we are. It's a never ending process though, so it is nice to know there is an easy and effective tool out there to use to help us along the way!
Gift Card Giveaway

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Birthday Invite

Can't believe this little cutie is one already!